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Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a treatment of kidney failure that uses the lining of your abdomen to filter waste from your blood. PD is done at home or in any other clean, enclosed environment. The process gets its name from the lining of your abdomen, which is called the peritoneum. This lining is a membrane that surrounds the space called the peritoneal cavity. It’s a miracle of the human body that this natural lining can be used to filter and clean your blood.


There are big benefits to choosing home dialysis—like getting better results. PD treatments are done more frequently, so waste and toxins in your blood don't have a chance to build up as much between treatments. Home dialysis may also mean fewer food restrictions and less medication.



How does peritoneal dialysis work?


Peritoneal dialysis uses blood vessels in the lining of your peritoneum (abdomen) to naturally filter and clean your blood. Dialysate fluid is circulated into your peritoneal (abdominal) cavity either manually or by using a PD dialysis machine called a cycler. The fluid then absorbs the waste, toxins and excess fluid from your blood, which are removed when the dialysate is drained.



What are the benefits of peritoneal dialysis?


  • Home PD may be right for you if you work, go to school, travel or value your flexibility during the day.


  • You can do peritoneal dialysis (PD) at home without assistance—while still having regular monitoring and a 24/7 on-call PD nurse via phone.


  • You have the flexibility of making your own schedule. Plus you can do PD almost anywhere—at work, at home and while traveling. All you need is a space that is well lit, clean and indoors.


  • PD may help preserve residual kidney function.


  • There are no needles used. PD treatments are generally painless.


  • Without traveling to a dialysis center, you have more time for yourself—and no weather-related weekly travel worries.


  • You have more freedom to work and be social.


  • It’s gentler on your body—including your heart

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